README FILE FOR BOOK2TREE =========================================================================== Book2Tree version 1.1 for using with FolderTree v2.0 =========================================================================== Last Modified 01.04.01 PLEASE, SEE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS IN Book2Tree.html SEE GENERATED SCRIPT EXAMPLE IN BookmarkTreeExample.html CONTENT LISTING: --- Sources book2tree.exe - console application for generation of "bookmarktree.js" bookmarktree.js - example JavaScript source code, defining the content of the BookmarkTree ftiens4.js - JavaScript source code, defining the engine of the tree - by Marcelino Martins ftie4style.css - Style sheet, can be used to change the BookmarkTree look Example_bookmark.htm - original Netscape bookmark file BookmarkTreeExample.html - running example of the BookmarkTree + 12 ftv*.gif files - icons for the tree + 5 DLLs that book2tree.exe that are used by book2tree.exe: libmmfile.dll libmx.dll libut.dll libmat.dll libmatlb.dll + Matlab 5.x version book2tree.m - mfile for book2tree Matlab help (type "help book2tree in Matlab Command Window) book2tree.dll - mex file --- Instructions and Help Book2Tree.html - Isnstructions and help for running and installing Book2Tree FTv2instructions.html - Original instructions for FolderTree v.2.0 by Marcelino Martins Changes.txt - revision history B23Readme.txt - this file :) =========================================================================== FolderTree Copyright (c) 1999 Marcelino Martins Book2Tree Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Igor Kagan ===========================================================================