Computational Proctology
WC Dimension of an Accumulate-and-Fire Rectal Model
To assess the computational significance of a defecation act, a quantitative measure of computational capacity of a single rectal device is proposed.
New Trends in Mental Health Sciences
A biologically-plausible model for long-term depression syndrome: Exposure to excessive information causes profound emotional crisis
Neural Codes and Information
Are neural signals just a nuisance?
See commentary on this article in the current issue
Mechanistic Evolution
Can Machines Overturn Darwinian Principles?
Sudden Genesis: Machines, Genes, and the Emergence of Artificial Species
Behavioral Sciences
"Good" versus "Bad" Stress: What is the difference?
New Trends in Human Evolution
Safety and Comfort during Defecation Act as Important Factor in Technological Progress of Humankind
Integrating all aspects of Brain and Rectum